Perthshire Brass thrive despite social distancing
The band have been beating the lockdown blues over the last few weeks by playing music together from their living rooms and bedrooms across Scotland.

The band have been beating the lockdown blues over the last few weeks by playing music together from their living rooms and bedrooms across Scotland. With a large membership of over 70 members, the band usually converges from all over the region to play together in Craigie each week. But with physical rehearsals out of the question, we've pushed the boat out in order to get a tune together. Despite members currently spread as far apart as Aberdeenshire and Midlothian, We've recorded a version of Mark Ronson's "Uptown Funk" or #AtHomeFunk as we've called it, in order to stave off boredom and keep their lips in shape. Our version of the track, arranged by Jason Blyth and edited by Kate and Ewan Walker - all band members, is certainly one way to make music when you can't get a band in the same room - and you can tell they've had great fun making it.
During our usual rehearsal time on Sunday afternoons we've even been hosting pub quizzes and keeping up with each other via mass video calls, as they say, playing music is only a small part of the Perthshire Brass ethos. Unfortunately we've had to postpone our 2 week European tour this summer but with that no longer going ahead, the band has made a big effort behind the scenes to compile photos, profiles and funny stories from their four decades as a touring band onto our Facebook page to entertain the masses instead.
You can follow the band on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter as @perthshirebrass to keep up with our lockdown antics and future events.